May 13, 2014
Birds and Tar Sands Tailings Ponds: Ever Safe to Land?
Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2014, by Carolyn Campbell. The Oil Sands Regional Bird Monitoring…
Alberta Wilderness Association is dedicated to protecting wildlands, wildlife and wild waters throughout Alberta.
There is no better way to preserve ecological biodiversity than through a network of representative protected areas. Our quality of life and quality of opportunity depend on it.
May 13, 2014
Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2014, by Carolyn Campbell. The Oil Sands Regional Bird Monitoring…
May 12, 2014
In early May, Alberta’s ‘mountain’ caribou were assessed as Endangered – in immediate danger of…
May 9, 2014
A 2015 hunting season for Alberta’s sandhill cranes is being proposed. Proposals in previous years…