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July 29, 2011

Drilling Down: Groundwater Risks Imposed by In Situ Oil Sands Development

Recently, Alberta ENGO Water Matters released a report providing clear recommendations for improving groundwater management,…

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July 28, 2011

Federal Court Decision, Caribou Emergency Measures

Federal Court decision in response to application by AWA, Pembina Institute and three First Nations…

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July 20, 2011

AWA Opposes New Transmission Line in the Porcupine Hills

AWA has registered its official opposition to plans by Altalink to construct substations and transmission…

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July 15, 2011

Red Deer River Water Transfer Proposal Rears its Ugly Head Again

A major inter-basin transfer of water from the Red Deer River Basin is once again…

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July 14, 2011

Dear Premier Stelmach: Woodland Caribou Herds are in Decline Across Canada’s Boreal Region

Letter to premier Stelmach from the Canadian Boreal Initiative and the Pew Environment Group. “Now…

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From a social-psychological point of view, it is the case, as regrettable as it is, that politicians are followers and only after the majority believes in something, do these followers follow.
- Herb Kariel
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