January 1, 2001
Status Evaluation for Grizzly Bear in Alberta
January 2001 recommendation by the Scientific Subcommittee of the Endangered Species Conservation Committee to designate…
Grizzly Bears
January 1, 2001
January 2001 recommendation by the Scientific Subcommittee of the Endangered Species Conservation Committee to designate…
February 1, 2002
February 2002 recommendation by Alberta’s Endangered Species Conservation Committee to list the grizzly as a…
August 1, 2003
Wild Lands Advocate article, August 2003. Peter Zimmerman 200308_WLA_AR_GrizzlyBears_Recovery.pdf
February 1, 2004
Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2004, by Nigel Douglas 20040200_ar_wla_grizzly_status.pdf
February 2, 2004
Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2004, by Nigel Douglas 20040200_ar_wla_grizzly_hunt.pdf