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April 28, 2008

Alberta Conservation Groups Ask Government for Reduction in Size of West Fraser Logging Area

April 28, 2008 joint news release by AWA, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Federation of…

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April 28, 2008

AWA News Release: Alberta Conservation Groups Ask Government for Reduction in Size of West Fraser Logging Area

The Hinton Wood Products (HWP) forest management agreement in west central Alberta ends June 14,…

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January 22, 2008

AWA News Release: Government Violates Guidelines and Allows Further Destruction of Endangered Caribou Habitat

It has been recently learned that government continues to permit industrial use in these intact…

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January 22, 2007

AWA News Release: Caribou Jeopardized by Forest Products Association Decision to Clearcut for Pine Beetle

Alberta’s threatened woodland caribou suffered one more nail in the coffin with the recent about-turn…

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December 7, 2006

AWA News Release: Woodland Caribou Sacrificed as Government Forces Companies to Log Pine Forests

The Deputy Minister of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) has confirmed that the Alberta Government…

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It is my belief that Non-profit organizations like the Alberta Wilderness Association provide a clear framework that creates opportunities for Albertans to actively participate in the protection of their provinces resources.
- Chelsea Caswell, Student, University of Lethbridge
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