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November 29, 2017

Caribou Safety Net Question in House of Commons

Ms. Linda Duncan (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP): Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Environment is facing court…

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November 28, 2017

AWA News Release: Albertans Deliver ‘Quarters for Caribou’ to Premier

Supporters of Alberta’s endangered caribou delivered hundreds of postcards to the steps of the Alberta…

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November 27, 2017

News Release: Environmental groups, Cold Lake First Nations, petition Minister of Environment and Climate Change for caribou protections

Safety net order would allow the federal government to extend Species at Risk Act protections…

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November 27, 2017

Letter from ENGOs and Cold Lake First Nations Seeking Caribou Safety Net Order

A letter to the federal environment minister requesting a safety net order to protect habitat…

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November 27, 2017

Petition from ENGOs and Cold Lake First Nations on Unprotected Northeast Alberta Caribou Habitat

A petition to the federal environment minister showing that current laws do not protect Alberta…

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From a social-psychological point of view, it is the case, as regrettable as it is, that politicians are followers and only after the majority believes in something, do these followers follow.
- Herb Kariel
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