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September 1, 2019

Jill and Basil Seaton – Jasper’s Refined Firebrands

Wild Lands Advocate article by: Vivian Pharis, AWA Board Member Emeritus Click here for a…

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November 23, 2018

Native Trout and the Need to Share: Michael Sullivan’s 2018 Martha Kostuch Annual Lecture

Wild Lands Advocate article by Ian Urquhart You can download a pdf of the article…

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September 1, 2018

George Campbell: Great Gray Owl Award Recipient, 2018

Wild Lands Advocate article by: Jim Campbell Please note the correction to this article at the…

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September 1, 2018

Murray Little: Great Gray Owl Award Recipient, 2018

Wild Lands Advocate article by: Jim Campbell Click here for a pdf version of this article…

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September 1, 2018

In Memoriam: Richard (Dick) Pharis, March 13, 1927 – July 3, 2018

Click here for a pdf version of this In Memoriam. Following nearly a month in…

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We simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope.
- Wallace Stegner
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