November 29, 2017
Caribou Safety Net Question in House of Commons
Ms. Linda Duncan (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP): Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Environment is facing court…
Around 61 percent of Alberta is forested.
The majority of this forested land is in the vast Boreal Forest Natural Region, with an additional strip of forested land running down the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, in the Rocky Mountain and Foothills Natural Regions.
AWA is committed to maintaining healthy and intact forest ecosystems that will sustain biological diversity and viable wildlife populations, provide clean drinking water, and promote long-term economic opportunities. AWA supports responsible ecosystem-based forest management that does not compromise wildlife and wilderness values.
Grizzly Ridge, Kananaskis (N. Douglas)
The majority of Alberta’s forested land is in the vast Boreal Forest Natural Region, with an additional strip of forested land running down the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, in the Rocky Mountain and Foothills Natural Regions.
Each of these forested areas has its own distinct biological features, and also its own distinct “issues.”
November 29, 2017
Ms. Linda Duncan (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP): Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Environment is facing court…
November 28, 2017
Supporters of Alberta’s endangered caribou delivered hundreds of postcards to the steps of the Alberta…
November 27, 2017
Safety net order would allow the federal government to extend Species at Risk Act protections…
November 27, 2017
A letter to the federal environment minister requesting a safety net order to protect habitat…
November 27, 2017
A petition to the federal environment minister showing that current laws do not protect Alberta…
October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017 Dear federal, provincial and territorial leaders, RE: Caribou: A Shared Responsibility We,…
October 6, 2017
This week, the fifth anniversary of the 2012 Recovery Strategy for boreal caribou came and…
October 5, 2017
On the morning of Canadian federal deadline, international community anticipates delivery on commitment for permanent…
September 26, 2017
Improving the management Alberta’s southwestern forests has been the goal of a group of concerned…
September 26, 2017
Below is an open letter sent by AWA, on behalf of the undersigned, to the…
September 22, 2017
Leading caribou scientists comment on recent public claims made by the Forest Products Association of…
September 1, 2017
Wildlands Advocate update by Carolyn Campbell Woodland caribou are amazing creatures that are in real…