October 14, 2014
AWA News Release: Alberta Forestry Decimating Endangered West Central Caribou Habitat Despite Viable Alternatives
Extensive logging is occurring within and adjacent to two endangered west central Alberta caribou ranges,…
Alberta Wilderness Association is dedicated to protecting wildlands, wildlife and wild waters throughout Alberta.
There is no better way to preserve ecological biodiversity than through a network of representative protected areas. Our quality of life and quality of opportunity depend on it.
October 14, 2014
Extensive logging is occurring within and adjacent to two endangered west central Alberta caribou ranges,…
October 10, 2014
An area the size of Prince Edward Island (over 560,000 hectares) has been auctioned for…
October 10, 2014
Honourable Frank Oberle Minister of Energy #408 Legislature Building 10800 – 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB…