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News Release

August 11, 2021

The Worst Place to Clearcut in Alberta? Caribou, Wolves and Endangered Trout Think So

New logging cutblocks are imminent in a particularly inappropriate corner of West Fraser Hinton’s forestry…

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July 16, 2021

Benga Mining Has Applied for Permission to Appeal Grassy Mtn Decision

Today, Benga Mining applied to the Alberta Court of Appeal for permission to appeal the…

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June 18, 2021

Grassy Mountain Coal Project Decision May Sound the Death Knell for Montem and Atrum Coal

Report of the Joint Review Panel Benga Mining Limited Grassy Mountain Coal Project Crowsnest Pass…

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June 18, 2021

On the Death of the Grassy Mountain Coal Project

            On June 17th, the Grassy Mountain Coal Project Joint Review Panel categorically rejected Benga…

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May 29, 2021

AWA Comments: Cold Lake Draft Sub-regional Plan

AWA’s submission to the Alberta government on an important sub-regional land-use plan, the draft Cold…

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If I were asked to illustrate a scene of utter serenity and peace, I would choose a picture of a mother grizzly wandering across flower-covered slopes with two small cubs gamboling at her heels. This is truly a part of the deep tranquility that is the wilderness hallmark.
- Andy Russell, 1975
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