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July 13, 2016

News Release: Crackdown on Destruction of Public Lands

A recent  Order in Council will allow enforcement officials to issue violation tickets under the…

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June 28, 2016

Plateau Mountain: AWA Stewardship Report June ’16

AWA is a Volunteer Steward of Plateau Mountain, an Ecological Reserve in Kananaskis Country. AWA…

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June 25, 2016

AWA Stewardship Report: Porcupine Hills Hike

On June 25, 2016, a group of hikers joined expert Cliff Wallis on a hike…

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June 20, 2016

AWA Letter to GoA: Draft Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan

June 20, 2016 The Honorable Shannon Phillips Minister of Environment and Parks Travis Ripley…

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June 9, 2016

AWA Wilderness & Wildlife Defenders: The Future of Livingstone-Porcupine

I’m writing to let you know government planning is in progress for the Livingstone and…

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There is an urgent need to engage people with nature. All aspects of it. Not just the pretty bears and cute snakes. Also the realities of it, the death, struggles, and pain. Not only are people losing touch with nature, they are losing touch with the realities of nature.
- Clayton Lamb, January 2018
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