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Oil and Gas

October 31, 2012

Sixteen Years after Being “Protected” Rumsey Natural Area Sees a Halt to New Oil and Gas Access

Wild Lands Advocate article, October 2012, by Nigel Douglas. Alberta Energy has now prohibited all…

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September 11, 2012

ENGO News Release: Sixteen Years after Being “Protected,” Rumsey Natural Area Sees a Halt to New Oil and Gas Access

Sixteen years after it was officially “protected,” Rumsey Natural Area may finally be able to…

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June 5, 2012

Great News for Kananaskis Country!

Kananaskis Country has won a reprieve from a proposed sour gas development. The long-running saga…

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March 7, 2012

Kananaskis Sour Gas Proposal Suffers One More Setback

Construction of Suncor Energy’s ill-fated Sullivan sour gas development in Kananaskis Country seems unlikely to…

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August 26, 2011

AWA News Release: Federal Government Writes Off Alberta Caribou- War on Wolves Goes National

A long overdue federal woodland caribou recovery strategy released today allows ongoing habitat loss at…

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It is my belief that Non-profit organizations like the Alberta Wilderness Association provide a clear framework that creates opportunities for Albertans to actively participate in the protection of their provinces resources.
- Chelsea Caswell, Student, University of Lethbridge
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