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October 1, 2005

Harlequin Ducks Dismissed by Federal Court in Cheviot Case

Wild Lands Advocate article, October 2005, by David Samson. Harlequin ducks have effectively been served…

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June 1, 2005

Coal Mining on Caw Ridge: An Unwanted Legacy

Wild Lands Advocate Article 13(3): 14-15, June 2005 by Lara Smandych. Large numbers of bighorn…

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June 6, 2004

AWA Letter to Alberta Environment RE: Grande Cache Coal Corporation’s Application to Re-Open Mine 12, Pit 82

2004-06-06 AWA Letter to Alberta Environment RE: Grande Cache Coal Corporation’s Application to Re-Open Mine…

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April 1, 2004

Cheviot Mine Decision Appealed

Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2004, by Shirley Bray. The proposed mine, which would be…

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April 2, 2003

Conservation is Best Economic Option for Cardinal Divide – Cheviot Mine Area

AWA news release: Conservation is Best Economic Option for Cardinal Divide – Cheviot Mine Area….

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I needed something to pare the fat off my soul, to make me grateful again for being alive. And I knew… There is nothing like a wilderness journey for rekindling the fires of life.
- Colin Fletcher
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