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October 23, 2018

Can We Manage Caribou Ranges Differently and Have Strong Economies?

The following report by eminent natural resource economist Dr. Thomas Michael Power found that managing…

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May 1, 2018

ENGO Joint Statement: Canadian Government’s First Long-Awaited Critical Habitat Progress Report Shows Caribou Habitat Unprotected

Yesterday, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada released the first ever section 63…

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May 1, 2018

ENGO Backgrounder on Provincial Boreal Caribou Protection

An ENGO backgrounder on the state of caribou protection in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British…

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April 30, 2018

Federal Report: Unprotected Critical Habitat for Canada’s Boreal Woodland Caribou

The Canadian government has released the first report under section 63 of the Species at…

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March 21, 2018

Protecting Caribou Doesn’t Jeopardize Jobs

Edmonton Journal opinion column by Michael Bloomfield. Michael was hired as Alberta provincial caribou specialist in…

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It is my belief that Non-profit organizations like the Alberta Wilderness Association provide a clear framework that creates opportunities for Albertans to actively participate in the protection of their provinces resources.
- Chelsea Caswell, Student, University of Lethbridge
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