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Areas of Concern

March 5, 2015

AWA News Release: Major New Energy Lease Sales Imminent in Endangered Alberta Caribou Habitat

On March 11, the Alberta government plans a major auction of new oil and gas…

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February 20, 2015

AWA News Release: Alberta Steps Up Fracking-Caused Earthquake Oversight

On February 19, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) ordered oil and gas operators in west…

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February 11, 2015

ESRD’s response letter to AWA: OHV events in Livingstone-Porcupine

As a follow up to AWA’s meeting with ESRD staff on January 14, 2015, they…

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February 5, 2015

AWA Letter to Premier and AER on Fracking Earthquake and Ecological Risks in West Central Alberta

AWA’s letter asks for effective cumulative effects management of serious and growing risks to water…

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February 1, 2015

Flying a Chequered Flag at OHV Races in the Livingstone-Porcupine

Since 2011, ten officially authorized OHV (typically motocross or dirtbike) racing events have taken place…

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No public hearings are scheduled. Only one Alberta organization, the Alberta Wilderness Association, is independent enough that it continues championing public land and the people's right of access to it. So people must speak individually, as they have so many times before, directly to the premier, the minister of Sustainable Resource Development and their MLA, and remind them of what public land means to all of us, that none of it is surplus to our needs, that we do not want it sold.
- Bob Scammell, 2003
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