July 14, 2011
Dear Premier Stelmach: Woodland Caribou Herds are in Decline Across Canada’s Boreal Region
Letter to premier Stelmach from the Canadian Boreal Initiative and the Pew Environment Group. “Now…
Defending Wild Alberta
Our vision is for the Wild Spaces shown on this map to remain wild – forever. Some of these areas are essential cores that require protection to complete a provincial protected areas network. Other Wild Spaces may function as corridors or transition zones, and still others require sound management to achieve the working landscape ideal, where economic development is integrated with conservation and stewardship objectives.
Take a moment to explore each of Alberta’s Natural Regions. The currently protected areas are in green and AWA’s proposed areas for conservation are in gold.
Sources: Alberta Wilderness Association, 2019, Alberta Environment and Parks, 2019. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Alberta.
Navigating tips:
Natural Region: Click on a Natural Region to find out more information about its current status, to view protected areas and AWA’s Areas of Concern.
Area of Concern: Click on an area of concern (in gold) to learn about it. Select “Learn more” to visit the webpage for an Area of Concern.
Reset the map: Reset the map by clicking the button in the bottom left corner.
Download a PDF copy of AWA’s Wild Alberta map here (8.4MB PDF)
AWA dedicates this map and the work we do related to mapping Alberta’s Wild Spaces to the memory of our dear friend and colleague Herbert G. Kariel. Herb was a long time supporter and on his passing left AWA a generous bequest. Our work producing maps of Alberta’s wild spaces helps all of us learn more about our land and its geography and the vision for protected vital landscapes that Herb held dear.
July 14, 2011
Letter to premier Stelmach from the Canadian Boreal Initiative and the Pew Environment Group. “Now…
July 14, 2011
“To conserve woodland caribou means dispensing with business as usual, which has demonstrably and repeatedly…
June 24, 2011
AWA and our environmental and First Nations colleagues were in court in Edmonton yesterday, seeking…
June 21, 2011
Tomorrow (June 22) AWA and our environmental and First Nations colleagues are in court in…
June 21, 2011
Report by Global Forest Watch Canada 20110621_rp_gfw_larp_caribou_ranges.pdf
June 21, 2011
Environmental groups are in Federal Court today to fight for immediate protection of caribou habitat…
June 11, 2011
A long article in the Edmonton Journal by Canadian author and photographer Ed Struzik. Subtitle:…
June 7, 2011
New Alberta Government data obtained by conservationists show that Grizzly Bears in Alberta’s Castle region…
June 1, 2011
Government of Alberta report detailing grizzly recovery activities in 2010. Includes numbers of bears killed…
June 1, 2011
A Woodland Caribou Policy for Alberta (June 2011) states that the Government of Alberta “is…
June 1, 2011
Wild Lands Advocate update, June 2011, by Nigel Douglas 20110600_ar_wla_update_spragues_pipit_ndouglas.pdf
May 5, 2011
Letter from the Suffield Coalition to Environment Canada providing comments on proposed amendments to the…