February 14, 2008
AWA News Release: Federal lawsuit over protection of endangered sage-grouse habitat
The current range in Canada has been reduced to about 6% of the historic range…
AWA is committed to the protection of publicly owned wildlife, wild lands, and wild waters in Alberta.
We recognize the inherent value of nature and the myriad benefits humankind derives from it. AWA seeks secure interconnected habitats that are representative of Alberta’s natural landscapes and ecological processes, and that sustain the full complement of indigenous wildlife populations. AWA supports the conservation of wildlife populations in their natural environment and as a public resource.
February 14, 2008
The current range in Canada has been reduced to about 6% of the historic range…
February 1, 2008
Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2008, by Tony Viveiros. 20080200_ar_wla_grizzly_study_tviveiros.pdf
January 22, 2008
It has been recently learned that government continues to permit industrial use in these intact…
January 1, 2008
Federal Recovery Strategy, by Parks Canada. 20080100_sagegrouserecoverystrategy.pdf
December 12, 2007
December 1, 2007
Wild Lands Advocate article, December 2007, by Nigel Douglas. 20071200_ar_wla_grizzlycampaign.pdf
December 1, 2007
Wild Lands Advocate article, December 2007, by Nigel Douglas. 200712_AR_WL1.pdf
October 23, 2007
October 1, 2007
Wild Lands Advocate article, October 2007, by Dick Dekker. Historical review of wolf control in…
June 1, 2007
Wild Lands Advocate article, June 2007, by Nigel Douglas 20070600_ar_wla_grizzlies.pdf
June 1, 2007
Wild Lands Advocate article, June 2007, by Dick Dekker. 200706_AR_WL2.pdf
June 1, 2007
Wild Lands Advocate article, June 2007, by Dick Dekker. 200706_AR_WL1.pdf