April 18, 2005
AWA News Release: Abraham Glacier Resort Finally Put to Rest!
AWA News Release about the rejection of the proposed resort development 20050418_NR.pdf
April 18, 2005
AWA News Release about the rejection of the proposed resort development 20050418_NR.pdf
April 1, 2005
An April 2005 Wild Lands Advocate article with Charlie Russell, discussing attitudes to bears. 20050400_ar_wla_grizzlies_crussell.pdf
April 1, 2005
Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2005, by Nigel Douglas. 20050400_ar_wla_grizzly_hunt_ndouglas.pdf
April 1, 2005
Joint news release, April 1, 2005, by AWA and Defenders of Wildlife 20050401_nr_engos_grizzly_hunt_begins.pdf
April 1, 2005
Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2005, by Lara Smandych. 200504_AR_WL1.pdf