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WLA Archive

October 1, 2001

Milk River – Sage Creek: Coming to Terms on a Grassland Wilderness

Wild Lands Advocate article, October 2001, by Cliff Wallis 200110_AR_MR.pdf

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October 1, 2001

Letter on Game Farming

Letter from AWA to Premier Klein, October 2001. 200110_AR_WL1.pdf

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October 1, 2001

Vol.9 No.5 Wild Lands Advocate

INSIDE Taking a Role in Wilderness Stewardship …………………………..4 The AWA Milk River – Sage Creek…

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August 1, 2001

Meridian Dam – How do you put a cost on the loss of a species?

Wild Lands Advocate article, August 2001, by Shirley Bray 200108_AR_MD.pdf

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August 1, 2001

Penned Hunts Banned by Coalition

Alberta elk and deer groups have their sights set on amendments to provincial laws before…

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I love bears and the wildlands where they live. Bears have fascinated me, scared me ‘til my heart pounded, and inspired me… They have helped me to learn about the diversity of life on earth and how nature works.
- Dr. Steven Herrero
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