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News Release

October 31, 2022

Alberta government placing Parks under same Ministry as Forestry

AWA is greatly concerned by the Government of Alberta’s decision to reorganize Alberta Environment and…

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October 26, 2022

Update: Special Areas and Municipal District of Acadia Joint Irrigation Study

In April 2021, the Municipal District of Acadia No. 34 (MD Acadia) and the Special…

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September 30, 2022

Alberta Mine Financial Security Program Review

AWA comments to the  Alberta government during its 2022 review of the Mine Financial Security…

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September 27, 2022

Black Bear Food Baiting and Off-Leash Hunting Dogs Now Allowed in Certain Protected Areas

  Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) opposes a new directive under the Provincial Parks Act that…

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September 12, 2022

Alberta’s Upper Smoky Caribou: Time for a Strong Land-Use Plan

A year-end deadline is approaching for Alberta to finish its crucial Upper Smoky land-use plan,…

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Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. 

Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, 

and the storms their energy,
 while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
- John Muir
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