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News Release

January 19, 2021

Cancelling Leases, Pausing Lease Sales in Category 2 Lands – A Good First Step

Yesterday, Energy Minister Sonya Savage delivered a small, but important, reward to the thousands of…

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December 24, 2020

Revoking the Coal Policy – Taking Alberta to Court

Alberta’s Minister of Energy was well aware that, when she revoked Alberta’s 1976 Coal Policy,…

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December 18, 2020

Stronger Access Measures Needed for Jasper’s Few Remaining Caribou

AWA’s letter to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada: December 18, 2020 Hon….

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December 11, 2020

Jasper National Park Caribou are Almost Extirpated

A briefing note by AWA and David Suzuki Foundation: Jasper National Park Caribou are Almost…

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December 4, 2020

Continuing the Sacrifice of the Eastern Slopes to Old King Coal

Yesterday, the Alberta government took another step towards turning Alberta’s Eastern Slopes into little more…

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