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September 10, 2013

AWA News Release: Alberta Wetland Policy Exempts Oilsands Industry, Abandons No-Net-Loss in Prairies

The Alberta government’s wetland policy announced today will exempt all approved and near-term foreseeable oilsands…

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October 31, 2012

Beavers, Biodiversity and Wetlands of Hope

Wildlands Advocate Article, October 2012, by Dr. Glynnis A. Hood. Beavers play an important ecological…

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October 31, 2012

Clarity out of Mud: Rundle College Students Teach ESRD A Lesson in Responsible Management

Wildlands Advocate Article, October 2012, by Sean Nichols. Grade seven students from Rundle College Junior…

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October 31, 2012

McClelland Wetlands: Mining Our Outstanding Peat Wetlands Should Be Passe

Wildlands Advocate Article, October 2012, by Carolyn Campbell. “Suncor, Total May Not Proceed with New…

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April 19, 2012

ENGO News Release: Slow Down Oil Sands to Save Wetlands, Scientist Says

As development continues to destroy wetlands crucial to Alberta’s water security and climate regulation, a…

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