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March 1, 2019

Horseshoe Canyon: Scarring, Endangering A Gem of the Badlands

Wild Lands Advocate Article By Ian Urquhart Download a pdf version of this article here….

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December 1, 2018

Grasslands: Give the Gift of Protection to Milk River Ridge

Wild Lands Advocate article by: Christyann Olson Click here to download a pdf version of…

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August 9, 2018

Support the Critical Grasslands of Twin River HRNA!

Dear Wilderness Defender, The provincial government is seeking public input on the proposed expansion and…

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August 3, 2018

Alberta Moves on Protection for Native Grasslands in Milk River Ridge

Yesterday, the Alberta government released a proposal to expand the Twin River Heritage Rangeland Natural…

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August 1, 2018

Public Lands: The Next Target for Alberta’s Renewable Energy Land Rush?

Will the Government of Alberta allow industrial scale wind and solar farms on public lands?…

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If I were asked to illustrate a scene of utter serenity and peace, I would choose a picture of a mother grizzly wandering across flower-covered slopes with two small cubs gamboling at her heels. This is truly a part of the deep tranquility that is the wilderness hallmark.
- Andy Russell, 1975
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