June 1, 2006
Native Prairie Could Lose More Ground to Wind Farm in Cypress Hills
Wild Lands Advocate update, June 2006, by Shirley Bray 200606_AR_CH.pdf
Wind Power
June 1, 2006
Wild Lands Advocate update, June 2006, by Shirley Bray 200606_AR_CH.pdf
August 1, 2006
Wild Lands Advocate update, August 2006, by Henry Binder 200608_AR_CH.pdf
August 9, 2007
AWA Action Alert: Proposed Wind Turbines on Edge of Cypress Hills Park will Destroy Rare…
February 1, 2009
Wild Lands Advocate update, February 2009, by Joyce Hildebrand 20090200_AR_wla_update.pdf
May 25, 2011
Input by participants in a process to recommend guidelines for minimizing disturbance of Native Prairie,…