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Areas of Concern

February 10, 2000

Cardinal Divide – Mountain Park Campaign and the Cheviot Mine Proposal

AWA position paper on the Cheviot Mine Proposal; history, key issues, scientific evidence, legal documents,…

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February 4, 2000

Panel rules alternative mine sites already investigated: Environmentalists criticize review for ‘blocking’ issue

Edmonton Journal article. 20000204_EdmontonJournal.pdf

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February 1, 2000

Mine site tiny compared to Jasper Park, Cheviot official says: ‘Ludicrous’ to say mine threat to park.

Edmonton Journal article. 20000201_EdmontonJournal.pdf

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September 8, 1999

Cheviot Mine pre-hearing set for Thursday in Hinton

Joint news release by AWA, Canadian Nature Federation, Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society, Jasper Environmental…

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April 9, 1999

Federal Court Rules Cheviot Mine Approval Violated Environmental Laws

Joint ENGO news release: Federal Court Rules Cheviot Mine Approval Violated Environmental Laws: Strikes Down…

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We have spectacular wilderness in Alberta, much of it under some form of protection. Every square millimetre of it has had to be fought for - will always have to be fought for, forever and ever. The struggle to retain and repair wilderness is conducted not just by a few individuals, but by large numbers of committed people, from all walks of life, all working in various ways toward the same end. We need to be grateful to all of them.
- Dave Mayhood
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