Conservation Easement on Three Sisters Corridor: A Valuable Legacy

April 1, 2015

Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2015, by Heather MacFadyen, PhD

Alberta and Three Sisters Mountain Resort (TSMV) have signed a conservation easement agreement on the Stewart Creek section of the Three Sisters Primary Along Valley Wildlife corridor and a portion of the Stewart Creek Across Valley Corridor. This ends a 10-year hiatus since 2005 when this agreement went into limbo, after being agreed to by TSMV, the Province, and the Town of Canmore. The Stewart Creek Conservation Easement protects a total of 95.94 hectares of land. Over 60 percent of the land is comprised of wildlife corridors; according to Kyle Fawcett, former Minister of ESRD, “the easement restricts development and activity to (existing) golf-related activities – no other development or recreational activity will be permitted.”

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