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Good News Bears

September 17, 2012

Wild Lands Advocate article, August 2012, by Nigel Douglas. Douglas relates a field trip he made through southwestern Alberta, where the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership is looking at ways to learn to live with grizzlies and other carnivores on the landscape… and seeing positive, tangible benefits.

“The prospects for the future are best summed up by Kelly Cooley with the Cowboys and Carnivores project, a partnership between the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership and Miistakis Institute: ‘The finished puzzle is a functioning ecosystem and a healthy community,’ he says. Who could ask for anything more than that?”

If I were asked to illustrate a scene of utter serenity and peace, I would choose a picture of a mother grizzly wandering across flower-covered slopes with two small cubs gamboling at her heels. This is truly a part of the deep tranquility that is the wilderness hallmark.
- Andy Russell, 1975
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