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CST Canada Coal Limited response to AWA statement of concern

November 28, 2023

On November 16, 2023, AWA received a letter from CST Canada Coal Limited in response to our statement of concern regarding their application to expand the mining depth of their No. 8 Mine near Grande Cache. A summary of their response is copied below:

“CST Coal takes matters such as these very seriously, however, CST Coal cannot comment on this matter, as the investigation by the Alberta Energy Regulator into the alleged contraventions of its Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Approval 00155804-01-00, is ongoing. CST Coal is fully cooperating with the Alberta Energy Regulator during this process.

Application 1948872 and the contents therein are currently not associated with incidents No. 20230069, No. 20230529 or No. 20231550.”

Their letter can be read in full here.

I needed something to pare the fat off my soul, to make me grateful again for being alive. And I knew… There is nothing like a wilderness journey for rekindling the fires of life.
- Colin Fletcher
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