Updates to species listed under SARA

July 9, 2024

After years of consultation and deliberation, recommendations for nine species made by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) have been accepted. These recommendations, first made in 2019, include up-listing chestnut-collared longspur (Calcarius Ornatus) from Threatened to Endangered, and listing plains hog-nosed snake (Heterodon nasicus) as Special Concern.

This change, as the Canada Gazette reports, is expected to have many benefits, and the costs of listing are low. By listing, the Government of Canada is committing to preparing and implementing recovery strategies and management plans, and protecting these species where they occur on federal lands.

While we are glad to see the COSEWIC recommendations for these species finally approved, there continue to be massive delays in listing species, especially species with commercial value. In addition, simply listing these species does not provide them any protection on provincial or private lands, which covers the majority of Canada’s land. In Alberta, the status of chestnut-collared longspur is “May be at risk”, while plains hog-nosed snakes are not listed. For protection to be effective, the province needs to step up protection as well.


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