Update: Pembina Climate Summit Draws Hundreds

October 1, 2016

August 2016 Wildlands Advocate update, by Andrea Johancsik.

I bet some of you would be skeptical a year or two ago if I told you the 2016 Al-berta Climate Summit would be oversold. After all this is Alberta, home to oil sands, low taxes, and climate change deniers. But, what a difference a year can make. Add new provincial and federal govern-ments, an agreement in Paris, and a sense of urgency due to widespread job loss in the oil and gas industry, and all of a sud-den climate change is a hot button topic. On September 20 at 8:30am, organizers of the Summit were greeted by a stand-ing-room only crowd, swelled by over 100 unexpected attendees. The Summit made the news and #ABClimate was trending on Twitter, second only to #Brangelina (noth-ing can top a celebrity divorce!).

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