Saving Caribou – Press Conference Media Advisory

February 22, 2018

Saving Alberta’s Caribou:

Real solutions to meet federal obligations for caribou.

Alberta must propose plans that put our province’s caribou on a path to recovery, in order to meet imminent federal species at risk requirements.

Albertans representing a variety of communities and concerned citizens will make short statements on how Alberta can prevent caribou from disappearing from our landscape, and will propose solutions that work for wildlife, communities, and forests.

All spokespersons will be available to interview after brief presentations.

Thursday February 22, 2018 from 11:30am – 12:30pm

Edmonton – CKUA Presentation Space (main floor), 9804 Jasper Ave

For more information contact:
Carolyn Campbell, Alberta Wilderness Association, 403-921-9519 (cell)
Kecia Kerr, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, 780-328-3780 ext 1
Nikki Way, Pembina Institute, 780-667-7255

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