Conservation Easements and the Bogey Man: AWA Talk Night with Guy Greenaway
From: $0.00
Date: March 25
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: AWA Office
Conservation easements are a great success story for Alberta. The tool has been used in Alberta since 1995, and has permanently conserved around 400,000 acres of ecologically-valuable land. More importantly, it has allowed for the perpetual conservation of our hard-to-conserve places, where the land use matrix is complex and human dominated, but where the majority of our species at risk and high-biodiversity landscapes are.
However, something is shifting of late. Conservation easements are now scary, and scary to people who used to be supporters. The idea of permanence that once drew people is causing anxiety. People don’t want perpetual conservation easements. …. Or is that, in fact, true?
Guy Greenaway from the Corvus Centre for Conservation Policy will walk attendees through this dynamic, starting with what a conservation easement is and is not, and what the shift in attitudes appears to be, and finally offering his suggestions for why this shift might be happening, and what we can do about it.
The event is free but donations are appreciated.