Letter to FSC Canada Concerning High Conservation Value Forests and Certification Process.

July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015


Francois Dufresne
President FSC Canada
Email: fdufresne@ca.fsc.org

Dear Mr. Dufresne,

Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) is a provincial environmental association that works throughout Alberta towards more representative and connected protection of Alberta’s unique and vital landscapes. These landscapes are the source of our abundant clean water, clean air and vital habitat for wildlife in each one of our six natural regions. We have been working in Alberta for fifty years, to raise the profile of Alberta’s spectacular wilderness, and to help Albertans learn more about the value of our wilderness and wildlife, and participate in opportunities to protect and care for the legacy that we will leave for generations. With more than 7000 members and supporters, AWA remains committed to assuring protection of wildlife and wild places for all Albertans.

AWA has been a member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) since its inception in 1993 and remains an active member, with Cliff Wallis as our representative. AWA supports the mission of FSC Canada to “promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of Canada’s forests.” Several environmental non-government organizations, including AWA, were eager to sign on to FSC because it met certain requirements needed to be a strong certifier in Canada. These included 1) the establishment of protected areas 2) objective, comprehensive, independent and measurable standards 3) full transparency 4) third-party assessments, and several others. However, AWA’s recent experience with Spray Lake Sawmills (SLS) FSC certification has left us with serious concerns about FSC.


To read a full pdf of AWA’s letter to FSC Canada, click here

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