September 8, 2010
ENGO News Release: Environmental Groups Name Feds in Filing for Caribou Protection
Groups Demand Minister of Environment Issue Emergency Protection Order, Halt Industrial and Oilsands Development in…
Species at risk are the canary in the mine for our relationship with the earth.
Be they butterflies, snails or the more visible grizzly bear and woodland caribou, their loss is a direct example of society’s failure to manage the environment in a sustainable, renewable way. AWA will continue working to ensure that the habitat of species-at-risk and other wildlife is secure through the establishment of designated protected areas. AWA will also continue to support efforts that improve species-at-risk legislation and to enforce existing legislation in the spirit with which these laws were created.
Indigenous and local varieties of plant and animal life are vital components of a wilderness landscape. Some species are especially sensitive to human activity and are worthy of special management to prevent their extinction or extirpation.
Legally, species-at-risk do not receive adequate protection in most cases throughout Alberta. Recently introduced federal legislation only protects species on federal lands, while provincial legislation only sets up optional recovery plans without legal obligations to protect habitat.
The major gap between the current legal definition of protection and a scientific one is that the species and its individual “nest, den or shelter” are protected by law, but habitat – key to the survival of individual organisms and the long-term survival of a species – is not protected in most of Alberta’s landscapes.
At least five species are missing from Alberta’s landscapes: the extinct Banff long-nosed dace (extinct in 1986); plains grizzly bear and plains wolf (extirpated pre-1900); black-footed ferret (extirpated 1974, no longer any wild populations in Canada); and greater prairie chicken (extirpated 1990).
Many more species are on the brink of extinction: there are currently at least 41 Threatened or Endangered species in Alberta, 15 of which are listed by the province and 37 by the federal government.
Indigenous and local varieties of plant and animal life are vital components of a wilderness landscape. Some species are especially sensitive to human activity and are worthy of special management to prevent their extinction or extirpation. Legally, species-at-risk do not receive adequate protection in most cases throughout Alberta. Recently introduced federal legislation only protects species on Federal lands, while provincial legislation only sets up recovery plans without legal obligations to alter industrial development practices.
The major gap between the current legal definition of protection and a scientific one is that the species and its individual ‘nest, den or shelter’ are protected by law, but habitat- key to the survival of individual organisms and the long-term survival of a species- is not protected in most of Alberta’s landscapes. Until adequate legislation is in place, AWA will continue working to ensure that species-at-risk and other wildlife habitat is secure through the establishment of designated protected areas.
Each species-at-risk faces specific threats that jeopardize its existence. Some species are naturally rare in the world, like the Banff springs snail, which occurs only in a few hot springs in a single watershed. Other species are more common in some places but rare in Alberta (e.g., burrowing owl). Still other species were once abundant, but through years of neglect, industrial activities or over-hunting, they have declined to rarity (e.g., woodland caribou) or have gone extinct (plains grizzly). All species-at-risk are currently rare, often declining in number and vulnerable to extinction from human activity.
The common thread among species-at-risk conservation is that the probability of their extinction is directly related to habitat amount.
Most species-at-risk legislation in Canadian provinces and SARA, the federal Species at Risk Act, do not adequately address habitat protection.
While habitat loss is the main factor affecting species survival, other factors are also working against at-risk species. These other factors are known as the “extinction vortex” by conservation biologists and include environmental and demographic stochasticity.
September 8, 2010
Groups Demand Minister of Environment Issue Emergency Protection Order, Halt Industrial and Oilsands Development in…
September 1, 2010
Letter from the Suffield Coalition (Alberta Wilderness Association, Federation of Alberta Naturalists, World Wildlife Fund…
September 1, 2010
A proposal by the federal government that would limit habitat protection for the endangered Burrowing…
August 17, 2010
Joint News Release, August 17, 2010, from Alberta EcoJustice, on behalf of Alberta wilderness Association,…
August 17, 2010
Letter from Alberta EcoJustice, AWA, Pembina Institute and Sierra Club Prairie Chapter to federal Minister…
August 1, 2010
Wild Lands Advocate update, October 2010, by Nigel Douglas 201010_ar_wla_update_burrowing_owl.pdf
July 1, 2010
A map of Alberta woodland caribou population names and range areas, from the Government of…
July 1, 2010
Updated Status Report for woodland Caribou in Alberta, prepared for Alberta Sustainable Resource Development 20100700_rp_caribou_ab_status_report.pdf
June 25, 2010
A peer-reviewed scientific paper by Richardson et al. that reviews whether riparian zones qualify as…
April 1, 2010
Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2010, by Shaun Fluker 20100400_ar_wla_endangered_species_fluker.pdf
April 1, 2010
Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2010, by Lindsay Wallis. A discussion of Alberta’s ineffectual caribou…
March 4, 2010
Joint News Release, March 3, 2010, from AWA, Sierra Club Canada, Canadian Parks and Wilderness…