January 1, 1991
Around 61 percent of Alberta is forested.
The majority of this forested land is in the vast Boreal Forest Natural Region, with an additional strip of forested land running down the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, in the Rocky Mountain and Foothills Natural Regions.
AWA is committed to maintaining healthy and intact forest ecosystems that will sustain biological diversity and viable wildlife populations, provide clean drinking water, and promote long-term economic opportunities. AWA supports responsible ecosystem-based forest management that does not compromise wildlife and wilderness values.
Grizzly Ridge, Kananaskis (N. Douglas)
The majority of Alberta’s forested land is in the vast Boreal Forest Natural Region, with an additional strip of forested land running down the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, in the Rocky Mountain and Foothills Natural Regions.
Each of these forested areas has its own distinct biological features, and also its own distinct “issues.”