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February 1, 2009

ERCB Denies Pipeline Applications

Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2009. Nigel Douglas 200902_AR_wla.pdf

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February 1, 2009

Energy Development Squeezes Elk Island National Park

WLA February 2009 • Vol. 17, No. 1 by Joyce Hildebrand 200902_ar_wla_einp.pdf

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February 1, 2009

Buying And Selling Alberta’s Water – To Whom, For What, And How Much?

Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2009, by Danielle Droitsch and Meghan Beveridge, Water Matters 200902_ar_wla_water_beveridge.pdf

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February 1, 2009

“Dirty Gas” in Rumsey Natural Area

Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2009, by Nigel Douglas. 200902_AR.pdf

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February 1, 2009

AWA Seeks Records on Caw Ridge Inquiry

Wild Lands Advocate update, February 2009, by Chris Wearmouth. As part of AWA’s ongoing request…

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