Help Save Alberta Caribou From Extinction

January 26, 2018

Dear Wilderness Defender,

Alberta’s caribou are in real trouble. Please let the Premier know you care and want actions so caribou can survive and recover.

Alberta’s recent draft range plan to recover caribou is actually placing them at greater risk by allowing ongoing destruction of the old forests they need to survive.

Take Action
Please write Premier Notley ( and caribou range planners ( Let them know that caribou need protected habitat now!

You can use this easy letter template.
You can also submit your comments online.

Please say why caribou matter to you, and consider asking for rules to reduce human activity in caribou ranges. Science shows caribou need at least 65% undisturbed habitat and we need protected areas for each population.

You can read AWA’s full letter to the Alberta government here.
As always, I appreciate you sending me a copy of your letter at

Thank you,
Carolyn Campbell, AWA Conservation Specialist

Photo credit: J. Quiroz

Photo credit: J. Quiroz

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