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Hansard: Agricultural Dispositions Statutes Amendment Act, 2003

May 1, 2003

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The Second Reading, Committee of the Whole, and Third Reading of Bill 16, the Agricultural Dispositions Statutes Amendment Act, 2003, which became the Recreational Access Regulation (RAR) under the Public Lands Act.

“The intent of the bill is to promote co-operation and respect between disposition holders and other users of public leased land for grazing. In particular, it addresses recreational users and industry that may want access to the land for exploration. The legislation sets clear rules that encourage better communication.”

Recreational access disputes on public leased lands continues to this day, despite the passing of the RAR.

With rare exception cattle ranchers have been the best of guardians of the land entrusted to them. May we continue to be conscientious caretakers of this precious resource and hand it on to another generation unspoiled.
- Gerald Brewin, Rancher in the Taber area 1929 - 2016
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