Enter AWA’s 2025 Photo Contest!
February 12, 2025
Calling all Alberta nature photographers!
We invite you to submit your photos, taken within the past year, that showcase Alberta’s natural landscapes and wildlife. There will be two categories: wildlife — including animals, insects and amphibians — and landscapes.
Some rules: All photographers MUST follow ethical practices when taking photos of ANY wildlife; taking photos should not harm or disrupt wildlife. Don’t put yourself in danger. Voting will begin in April, it will be entirely people’s choice!
Submit your photo to outreach@abwild.ca by April 1, 2025. Please include a caption with details about when and where the photo was taken. Anyone who submits a photo agrees to allow AWA to keep the image on file and use on our website, magazine or social media, with credit. The winner will have a chance to be featured in our quarterly journal, Wild Lands Advocate – the photo may even be featured on the cover!
The winners will be announced on April 22 during our Earth Day Tuesday Talk night, featuring Tiffani Harrison, the conservation coordinator in the Environment and Climate Change department at the Otipemisiwak Métis Government.