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WLA Archive

April 1, 2003

Conservation is Best Economic Option for Cardinal Divide – Cheviot Mine Area

Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2003, by Shirley Bray. AWA has maintained for years that…

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April 1, 2003

Vol.11 No.2 Wild Lands Advocate

INSIDE Profile: Veteran Naturalist Dorothy Dickson………………………………….. 4 Consultation or Manipulation?…………………………………………………… 6 Sham Consultation Processes Endanger…

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February 1, 2003

City of Calgary Recognizes Importance of Its Watersheds

Wild Lands Advocate 11(1): 9, February 2003 200302_AR_WAT1.pdf

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February 1, 2003

Keeping an Eye on the Bow River Basin

Wild Lands Advocate 11(1): 10 – 11, February 2003 200302_AR_WAT2.pdf

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February 1, 2003

EUB Requires Environmental Impact Information for Revised Cheviot Mine Proposal

Wild Lands Advocate article, April 2004, by Philip Clement. Since our last Cheviot update, the…

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We have spectacular wilderness in Alberta, much of it under some form of protection. Every square millimetre of it has had to be fought for - will always have to be fought for, forever and ever. The struggle to retain and repair wilderness is conducted not just by a few individuals, but by large numbers of committed people, from all walks of life, all working in various ways toward the same end. We need to be grateful to all of them.
- Dave Mayhood
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