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January 19, 2021

Cancelling Leases, Pausing Lease Sales in Category 2 Lands – A Good First Step

Yesterday, Energy Minister Sonya Savage delivered a small, but important, reward to the thousands of…

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January 14, 2021

Three Sisters Corridor Functionality Comes First – Then Development

Wild Lands Advocate article by: Heather MacFadyen Click here for a pdf version of the…

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December 2, 2020

News Release: Wood Buffalo National Park Conservation Outlook of ‘Significant Concern’

Indigenous communities and environmental organizations say more action is needed Edmonton, AB – The ongoing…

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December 2, 2020

Wood Buffalo Action Plan Implementation, Perspective of Local Indigenous Communities and Environmental Groups

Letter to the Director of UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre concerning Wood Buffalo National Park: December…

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July 19, 2020

Dinosaur Provincial Park: Taking No Comfort

Wild Lands Advocate article by: Allison McPhail Click here for a pdf version of the…

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