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Species at Risk

August 28, 2013

Letter from AESRD Minister Diana McQueen re: Onefour Ranch

Letter from Diana McQueen, Minister of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, to AWA discussing…

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July 26, 2013

Proposed Sandhill Crane Hunt in Alberta

Wild Lands Advocate article, April/May 2013, by Nigel Douglas. The federal government is reconsidering approval…

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June 7, 2013

AWA to Federal Minister: ‘Endangered’ Designation Urgent for Three Bat Species

In a letter to federal Environment Minister Peter Kent, AWA requests that he act on…

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June 7, 2013

AWA Wilderness & Wildlife Defenders: Bats Need Your Help

AWA Wilderness & Wildlife Defenders alert. ‘White-nose syndrome’ is decimating North America’s bat populations in…

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June 3, 2013

AWA Letter: Lac Ste. Anne RV Proposal in Western Grebe Habitat

It has come to our attention that an RV development proposal before the county of…

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I love bears and the wildlands where they live. Bears have fascinated me, scared me ‘til my heart pounded, and inspired me… They have helped me to learn about the diversity of life on earth and how nature works.
- Dr. Steven Herrero
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