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December 12, 2007

Blame the Wolf: Killing Wildlife to Save Wildlife

AWA News Release, December 12, 2007. 20071212_nr_awa_wolfkill.pdf

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June 1, 2007

B.C.’s Woodland Caribou Recovery Plan Calls for Even More Drastic Measures than Alberta’s Current Campaign

Wild Lands Advocate article, June 2007, by Dick Dekker. 200706_AR_WL2.pdf

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June 1, 2007

The Woodland Caribou Controversy

Wild Lands Advocate article, June 2007, by Dick Dekker. 200706_AR_WL1.pdf

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February 1, 2007

Alberta’s Caribou Recovery Process Descends into Chaos

Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2007, by Joyce Hildebrand. 200702_AR_WL1.pdf

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January 22, 2007

AWA News Release: Caribou Jeopardized by Forest Products Association Decision to Clearcut for Pine Beetle

Alberta’s threatened woodland caribou suffered one more nail in the coffin with the recent about-turn…

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Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. 

Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, 

and the storms their energy,
 while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
- John Muir
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