June 1, 2011
Albertans Oppose Logging in the Castle, Support Protection
Wild Lands Advocate update, June 2011, by Nigel Douglas 20110600_ar_wla_update_cas_logging_ndouglas.pdf
Rocky Mountain and Foothills Forests
June 1, 2011
Wild Lands Advocate update, June 2011, by Nigel Douglas 20110600_ar_wla_update_cas_logging_ndouglas.pdf
April 26, 2011
Market action launched against logging in Alberta’s southern Rockies. Joint news release from AWA, CPAWS,…
April 1, 2011
Report by Global Forest Watch Canada, investigating linear disturbances in the Castle Area Forest Land…
December 2, 2010
Letter by AWA to Smartwood. Smartwood are the auditors for Spray Lake Sawmills’ application to…
August 16, 2010
August 2010 update of AWA’s position paper. “The forests of Alberta’s Southern Eastern Slopes are…