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Boreal Forest

May 9, 2006

AWA News Release: Albertans Speak Out about Forests: Wildlife Comes First

In a recent survey of forest use in Alberta, Albertans made it clear that managing…

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May 1, 2006

Alberta Forest Usage Survey

Report by the Alberta Forest Products Association, related to “understanding societal values Albertans hold towards…

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March 29, 2006

AWA News Release: Land Swapping May Help Save Valuable Boreal Forests in Northeastern Alberta

Alberta still has an excellent opportunity to protect several significant unfragmented wild forests in northeastern…

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March 22, 2006

AWA News Release: Precaution and Protection Needed to Thwart Ecological Nightmare in Alberta’s Forests

A new study by Global Forest Watch ranks Alberta as having the lowest amount of…

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December 1, 2005

Fire in the Willmore

Wild Lands Advocate 13(6): 28, December 2005 by Vivian Pharis 200512_AR_FOR.pdf

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