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November 1, 2011

Ottawa May Monitor Oil Sands’ Effects on Wildlife – Limiting Them Would Be Better

Wild Lands Advocate Article 19(5): October 2011 by Carolyn Campbell 20111000_ar_awa_oilsands_monitoring_ccampbell.pdf

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November 1, 2011

AWA Position Statement: Pipelines

Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) believes pipelines pose significant risks to human and environmental health. Pipelines…

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October 28, 2011

AWA Fights New Transmission Lines in the Livingstone

Wild Lands Advocate update, October 2011, by Nigel Douglas 20111000_ar_awa_update_livingstone_transmission_ndouglas.pdf

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September 19, 2011

Wildlife Guidelines for Alberta Wind Energy Projects

The Alberta Government’s Fish and Wildlife Division’s Wildlife Guidelines for Alberta Wind Energy Projects 20110919_doc_srd_wildlife_guidelines_ab_wind_projects.pdf

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August 29, 2011

Updated Northeast Alberta Plan Confirms Weak Conservation Measures Favouring Oilsands Development


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When citizens and their representatives in government fail to place a high value on wilderness as a resource in itself, then its disappearance – especially in reasonably accessible locations – is swift and certain.
- Bruce M. Litteljohn and Douglas H. Pimlott, “Why Wilderness?”, 1971
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