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January 8, 2024

Then They Wrote it All Down as the Progress of Man

By Kennedy Halvorson Click here for a pdf copy. In 1971, American singer-songwriter John Prine…

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December 19, 2023

News Release: Four Big Oil Companies Used 200 Billion Litres of Alberta’s Freshwater Last Year

According to a new report published by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), oilsands companies used…

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December 18, 2023

AER Reform or Revolution?

By Phillip Meintzer The Alberta Energy Regulator “is a joke, a complete joke,” according to…

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December 18, 2023

Building a Relationship with the People of McClelland

By Phillip Meintzer Note from the author: In early September 2023, AWA staff spent three…

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December 12, 2023

Canada and Alberta at the Controversial COP28

Canada’s federal government recently made a handful of overdue, yet welcome announcements which should hopefully…

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