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February 26, 2024

News Release: No Update to Action Plan for Wood Buffalo National Park Despite Recommendations – Environmental Groups Disappointed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Edmonton, AB/Calgary, AB – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Northern Alberta Chapter (CPAWS…

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February 22, 2024

A summary of the Module B Study: Overview of Modeling Results and Key Findings prepared for the AUC

A new analysis report commissioned by the Alberta Utilities Commission recently came out that examines…

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February 22, 2024

Northback Holdings response to AER’s review process

On February 22, 2024, AWA was cc’d on correspondence from Northback Holdings Corporation to the…

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January 26, 2024

AWA comments on Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Energy Storage Project

AWA commented on the Environmental Impact Assessment for Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Project, a proposed…

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January 23, 2024

The ideal Transition to Renewable Energy Supply Must be Fair and Just

By Ruiping Luo Read the pdf version here. As the world works to achieve net-zero…

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We have spectacular wilderness in Alberta, much of it under some form of protection. Every square millimetre of it has had to be fought for - will always have to be fought for, forever and ever. The struggle to retain and repair wilderness is conducted not just by a few individuals, but by large numbers of committed people, from all walks of life, all working in various ways toward the same end. We need to be grateful to all of them.
- Dave Mayhood
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