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Oil and Gas

April 1, 2008

Are Oil and Gas Development and Conservation of Rough Fescue Prairie Compatible?

Report by biologist Cheryl Bradley prepared for the Alberta Native Plant Council. 200804_AR2.pdf

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March 13, 2008

Pioneer’s CBM Well Licence Expires – AWA Gains Voice in Rumsey’s Future

AWA News Release, March 13, 2008. 20080313_NR.pdf

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January 22, 2008

AWA News Release: Government Violates Guidelines and Allows Further Destruction of Endangered Caribou Habitat

It has been recently learned that government continues to permit industrial use in these intact…

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April 3, 2007

ENGO Letter to Premier Stelmach

A letter to Premier Stelmach from various ENGOs with concerns in the Southern Foothills calling…

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August 1, 2006

EUB Out of Sync with Public Demands to Protect Natural Environment

Wild Lands Advocate 14(4): 19 – 21, August 2006 200608_AR_LP.pdf

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More logging appeared imminent because vandalized landscapes, just like homes with broken windows, tend to invite more abuse.” Andrew Nikiforuk. This tells it all, whether oil and gas, logging, OHVs etc. already exist, then it seems governments are gung ho to keep going and open it all up to more activity and abuse. . . and why we need AWA more than ever.
- Cliff Wallis
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