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Areas of Concern

May 24, 2013

AWA Wilderness & Wildlife Defenders: Thanks and Next Steps Needed for Little Smoky Caribou

AWA Wilderness & Wildlife Defenders. You have made a difference! In early May, the Alberta…

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May 17, 2013

Fish and Forests Fact Sheet: A Sustainable Vision for the Future of Alberta’s Forests

Alberta’s Eastern Slopes forests between the mountains and the grasslands have ecological importance far greater…

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May 8, 2013

AWA Asks Alberta to Defer New Forestry Plan Approvals in Little Smoky

AWA letter to Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development. To be consistent with the Alberta…

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May 7, 2013

AWA’s Letter to Alberta Energy Minister: Thanks and Next Steps

AWA’s letter to Alberta Energy Minister Hughes thanking the Alberta government for deferring new mineral…

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May 3, 2013

AWA News Release: Alberta Defers New Energy Leasing in Two Caribou Herd Ranges

For the first time, Alberta is deferring the sale of new mineral rights across the…

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