June 30, 2014
AWA Wilderness & Wildlife Defenders: Developing Lakeland’s Backcountry
The Alberta government is proposing fixed roof camping cabins in Alberta’s only backcountry canoe circuit…
Areas of Concern
June 30, 2014
The Alberta government is proposing fixed roof camping cabins in Alberta’s only backcountry canoe circuit…
June 28, 2014
AWA’s letter to Alberta Parks. In AWA’s view, the proposed camping cabins will harm the…
May 26, 2014
Wildlands Advocate article, April 2014, by Nigel Douglas. The Sage-grouse Partnership (SGP) and the fate…
May 12, 2014
In early May, Alberta’s ‘mountain’ caribou were assessed as Endangered – in immediate danger of…
May 2, 2014
AWA is concerned that accommodating a proposal for residential development near the Garner Orchid Fen…